The Global Youth
Climate Inquiry
Learning from global youth leaders to tackle climate change
The Global Youth Climate Inquiry
The Global Youth Climate Inquiry gathered evidence from global youth leaders, in the run up to the COP26 summit in Glasgow, to identify the most serious climate change issues facing their communities and understand how today’s youth can be better enfranchised to tackle the climate crisis.
Established by Mishcon de Reya, in partnership with One Young World and the Democracy and Culture Foundation, the Inquiry was designed not to be a platform for advocacy but rather a vehicle by which the evidence of youth leaders is brought into the public domain. The structure of the Inquiry allowed participants to express and test their views and sets the foundation for further engagement with global leaders and decision-makers.
Leaders at all levels must learn from one another’s experiences to mitigate climate change by driving and inspiring climate awareness and engagement within their communities and amongst future generations.

Expert panel member, Paul Polman, recorded this video for the contributors as he was unable to attend the panel session in person. It gives a helpful insight into the questions and themes the Inquiry explored.
The process
The Inquiry ran a call for evidence in September 2021, collecting written submissions on the impact of climate change on contributors personally, as well as their peers and community. It also invited young people to reflect on the extent to which they were able to influence decision-makers and on the sustainable initiatives they deemed to be the most successful in engaging their generation in tackling climate change.
The Inquiry also held two roundtable panel events in October 2021. Fourteen contributors gave evidence, with expert panellists challenging the contributors on their testimony. The panellists were interested in establishing how representative the contributors’ evidence truly was, what viable options for climate mitigation and adaptation look like and the key features of successful climate change initiatives.
The Report
The Global Youth Climate Inquiry Report is the product of this process. It does not seek to add spin or opinion to the voices of the contributors. Instead, it acts as a guide, combining ideas and initiatives into one reference manual in the expectation that world leaders can and must find better ways to work together to reach net zero targets.
The Report will be officially launched and presented to delegates during COP26 with the intention of driving engagement with its findings and spurring further action through the extensive network created by the Inquiry’s young leaders, panellists and partner organisations.

The Contributors
One Young World approached a number of global youth ambassadors, working in the climate change sphere, and received over 20 written submissions. Contributors drew attention to the specific climate issues facing local communities around the globe, from deforestation in the Amazon rainforest to water shortages in the deserts of Qatar.
The Panellists
The Inquiry’s expert panellists come from diverse backgrounds, including Ministers of State and world-renowned climate experts, authors and campaigners.